We are sorry but we do not accept credit or debit cards for movie tickets and concessions during our movies.
The Lucas Area Community Theater is operated by great volunteers which makes it difficult to take credit cards.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
Thank you for your support!
Donate to the 25th Annual Alumni Hog Roast for May 24, 2025 from 11am – 1pm in the Theater.
Donate Here!
Thank You!
The safer, easier way to donate online!
We are currently fundraising towards two electronic signs for movie and theater activities advertisement to replace the current changeable letter signs on each side of the front theater sign.
The safer, easier way to donate online!
Movie tickets are $6.00 for Adults and $5.00 for Children 12 & under.
Children 3 and under are free.
Purchase a 10 movie punch card for $50.00 for the best movie ticket rate for all ages.
3-D Movie tickets are $7.00 for Adults and $6.00 for Children 12 & under.
Children 3 and under are free.
You may use your movie passes and punch cards at 3-D movies but there will be an extra $1.00 up charge with Lucas Theater providing the 3-D glasses which are recyclable.
Purchase Movie Passes and Concession Passes as gifts to be mailed to you using PayPal.
PayPal – The safer, easier way to pay online!
The safer, easier way to purchase online!
The safer, easier way to purchase online!
We now have on screen advertising before each of the movies.
Area businesses may contact us at 785-525-7747 or 785-525-6236 about on screen advertising.
Thank You for your generous donations!
We have raised the funds to purchase the new digital equipment to update our theater projection equipment!
We appreciate your support!
Thank you to all those who supported the Theater Hog Roast with your donations, Dane G. Hansen Foundation, City of Lucas, Great Plains Mfg, Doug & Linda Brant, Leonard & Doris Brown, David Richter, Jim & Vicki McDowell, Eric & Patricia Oller, Christopher Craig, Robert & Eva Grauer, Debra Wilson Family, and Wayne & LouElla Naegele Family.
The Lucas Area Community Theater, Inc. would like to Thank Dee Durham for the Post Rock Community Foundation Endowment Fund set up in memory of Bob Durham.
The Robert Durham Trust Fund for the Lucas Area Community Theater.
Bob was a shrine clown and enjoyed children, so the fund will provide an annual permanent income for the Lucas Theater to use for projects or performances that will enhance the Lucas area community.
Now that The Robert Durham Trust Fund has been established, anyone may contribute to the fund at any level of giving.
When you make a gift to this endowed fund, the principal of your gift remains for the Lucas Theater and the earnings are used by the Post Rock Community Foundation to make grants that will support the local area communities.
Thank You Dee for Building a Legacy of Giving for the Lucas area community.
Your donations to the Robert Durham Trust Fund for the Lucas Area Community Theater may be made to the Lucas Area Community Theater or to Post Rock Community Foundation and mailed to Lucas Area Community Theater at P.O. Box 1 in Lucas Kansas 67648.
Contributors to the Robert Durham Trust Fund will have their names or memorials placed on the Contribution Wall in the Concession Lobby of the Theater.
Donations and Memorials are placed on our Contribution Wall in the Concession Lobby of the Theater.
For your convenience, please use the PayPal donation button to make your Tax Exempt donation.
The safer, easier way to donate online!